Security Check (No water allowed)

Cindy, Hidayah, Geena and Jas min

I bought a smaller version picture of this:)
Putting on the earpieces for the guide to speak to us through that machine.

All of the below shows the miniature of what is inside the tomb
The biggest part of the tomb, with all the instruments
The Emperor's coffin and his wives coffin
And one thing they say that makes me feels that the ancient women
and present women differs is that they feel honored to be burried with the
Emperor and most of them are young the youngest is only 13
oldest is 26. Their lives sure are short.
Nether world.
These are the coffins of the young muscians
All of them are young lady.
All of them are young lady.
They are poison to death, at least not buried alive.

This is the coffin of the Emperor
The pictures on it represent warriors protecting the coffin and also
windows that allows the emperor to go to heaven.
The outer coffin of the Emperor's coffin.
Emperor's wife coffin
From the Skeleton they kinda figure out how he will look like.
And make a sculpture
Another wife's coffin
A sculpture of a creature with deer head and crane body.
Deer represent luck and crane represent longevity
power. And the biggest number then was 9 so he had 9 of it.

Can see that how much they love wine.

The musical instruments used then. which sounds like piano
The largest bell is not an instrument but a gift from another emperor.
The sounds of the bells is the same as the modern piano.
Difference in the size of the instrument and the number of people playing it.

Ancestor of GuZheng. The strings have decayed as it is make up of bull's tedon.

Another instrument with a weird creature too

Drum skin that is decyed as it is make up of leather.
Used to strike the bells.
And the pictures on it shows how to use the bell instruments.

Clothes hanger

Wines dishes for the warriors to use

And warrior's food container

Decoration with a real deer horn and body of bronze

Ancient luggages.

The GOLD!!!!!

The jade belt for the highest ranking officials

Jade is thought to be able to preserve the body, hence they made it
small and in animal shape to be place inside the emperor's mouth.
How a warrior will look like
Horse armour.

Wheel with sharp sword on the side to cut people near the cart.

On the left sharp arrows to kill enemy and right the blunt arrow use to hunt.
All the arrows found in the tomb, the wooden part had decayed.
Museum from the inside.
Another tomb we visited.

Emperor will have 12 strings of beads.
And the beads are amber, jade and all those jewel.
Prince belt.
The highest officer belt.
Hairpin of the Queen

Decorations hang on the Prince robe.
Decoration on the queen's robe, and hence she need to walk gentlely
to not make alot of noise.

Place of porcelain

12 cups one for eath month.
With a poem written on it.
Yellow porcelain the mos rare, for emperor's use only as its
Huang= yellow which also similar to huang di= emperor
For huang tai hou the emperor's mother
Wine cup
Went into an Italy exibition not allowed to take photos
And i bought a picture for 12Rmb

Hidayah, Dr lau and Geena
Trying to take a picture of Sarah sleeping but failed.
Another try and i did it!
Then we went to eat our lunch
Then we went to eat our lunch

Look like Delifrance bake potato , but car!

Famous Wuchang fish
Beautiful toilet
But still.. no toilet bowl

Elegant Light decoration

Reflection from this,
China is really a place rich in historical story.
And the chinese had to learn and know so much on their own country.
Though Singapore has a museum, we don't really have emperors of the past
burying memories behind. So i'm kinda jealous of their long history background.
But i still love Singapore!
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