Today we went to visit the coca cola faactory at wuhan.

This is where the female workers bathe

Huge transporting vehicle for the coke.

They offered us the coke, it tasted kind of different but nice.

Purifying the water
Washing the bottles

Melting the sugar into liquid form

Drying up

As it is unable to be used again.

The first bottle ever used.

Back to campus to have lunch and OIE presentation

After the stressed up presentation, it's time for DINNER!!!
And we had western food, it was nice!! Greenery Cafe @Xudong jie
And we had western food, it was nice!! Greenery Cafe @Xudong jie
Had to wake about half an hour to have place to eat, see how popular it is?

Leety's beef

My Chicken.

The shared potato platter

Geena's chicken bake cheese rice.

Jas min 's jap food.

Egg pork chop!!

Kimberley's fruit pizza!!

Reflection for ytd,
At night there was no water, once ago there wasnt too.
From these examples we can see that even though we are really fortunate
that we have water in our dorms compared to the chinese living here,
the water supply here isnt that stable, and reliable.
Therefore we must be really thankful for Singapore's CLEAN and AMPLE supply of water
And today,
the chinese students once again showed us their hospitality
by going and bringing us out to eat eventhough they have to revise for tmr quiz
Really thanks god for them.